Which case should be filed in the court for the division of family property?

If there is any dispute in the matter of property among the family members, then a property dispute case can be filed. In case of property dispute, one can adopt judicial remedy to secure his rights and get justice. This dispute can be in case of property, such as:

Dispute in the proper distribution of property.
Dispute of the rights of the heirs to the property.
Dispute in the matter of purchase and sale of property.
Disputes regarding ownership of property.
Dispute due to lack of legal documents of the property.
In a property dispute, a person may have to file a case in the court to protect his rights.

If there is a property dispute between the family members, a property dispute case can be filed. A property dispute is a judicially conducted case by a person or group to resolve the issue of ownership, title or use of property.
In a property dispute, the issue of claim or division of property may be considered in different ways among family members. It may deal with issues related to partition of property, sale or disposal of property, appraisement or valuation of property, recovery of property rights, liability or routine maintenance of property, etc.
Property Dispute: If there is any dispute between the family members in terms of property (land, house, house, money, investments etc.), then a property dispute case can be filed.

Will dispute: Many times there can be a dispute within the family regarding the will left by a member, in which justice can be done by the court.
If there is any dispute regarding the property among the family members, then a property dispute case can be filed. Property dispute is a broad branch and there can be many types of cases regarding a dispute, such as:

Land Matters: Disputes related to land, fields, farming plots or agricultural land can be filed in land matters.
House and residential building matters: Disputes relating to houses, apartments, flats, villas, and other residential buildings can be filed in residential building matters.
Will Disputes: Disputes related to the distribution of property mentioned in the Will can be filed under Will Disputes.
Partition of property: If there is a dispute between the family members at the time of partition of property, it can be filed in a case for partition of property.